Balgarski ezik is a refereed academic journal published by the Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The papers submitted to the Journal are accepted after double-blind reviewing and a positive conclusion by two independent reviewers.
Balgarski ezik publishes original research in all areas of Bulgarian linguistics as well as studies in general and Slavic linguistics, theoretical, applied and computational linguistics. We solicit research into the history, dialectal variety and contemporary state of the Bulgarian language in all the fields related to its grammar, lexis, dialects, etymology, onomastics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics as well as contrastive and interdisciplinary studies.
The Journal features the following sections: Articles, Communications, Language Competence, Reviews and Surveys, Chronicles, Anniversaries and Jubilees. The section on language competence offers a linguistic perspective at the latest phenomena in Bulgarian and features discussions and motivated recommendations on various questions regarding language use. The sections titled Reviews and Surveys and Chronicles publish reviews on major works in Bulgarian linguistics and information about scientific forums related to the aims and scope defined above. The Journal is published in Bulgarian.PERIODICITY AND OPEN-ACCESS POLICY
The Journal keeps a regular schedule and is published without interruption. In addition to the four issues – one at the end of each quarter – that are published annually, the Journal issues a Supplement which features both regular papers and larger publications such as studies and monographs. Balgarski ezik is an open-access journal: it offers an all free (including free-of-charge) and unlimited online access to the full texts of all the published articles.
Balgarski ezik was founded in 1951 and has been published without interruption ever since. Its founder and first Editor-in-Chief until 1975 was Corresponding Member Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin. The Journal was headed by Academician Vladimir Georgiev from 1976 to 1986 followed by Academician Valentin Stankov (from 1987 to 2003) and Prof. Dr. Sc. Vladko Murdarov (from 1987 to 2016). Founded with the aim of promoting the various scientific activities of the Institute for Bulgarian Language and encouraging language competence, the Journal has grown to become one of the most prestigious periodicals in the area of Bulgarian linguistics. It is a forum for the publication of studies with major contribution to Bulgarian linguistics authored by Bulgarian and foreign linguists from various research institutions.
Source of funding
The publication of the journal is funded by the publisher – Institute for Bulgarian Language "Prof. Lubomir Andreychin”at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the The Bulgarian National Science Fund – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria.
ERIH PLUS − (European Reference Index for the Humanities)
BRILL – Linguistics Bibliography Online
ANVUR − National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes
MIAR − Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals
SHI − Slavic Humanities Index
CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library
pISSN: 0005-4283
eISSN: 2603-3372
The printed version of the journal is distributed by subscription. Annual subscription rate for “Balgarski ezik” is 60 lv /35 Euro. (4 issues per year and 1 Supplement).